Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections"SANAM"

Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections


The Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections SANAM is a non-governmental organization (NGO), The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre in the Russian Federation supporting work in the area of the control, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Using its network of structural divisions SANAM promotes the World Health Organization policy on the control and prevention of STI in Russia.


The main activities:

  • Providing a clinical center in Moscow which presents a model for the development of services in the region.
  • Organizing the conferences and seminars for dermatovenereologists, gynecologists and other health care workers on STI prevention, diagnosis and treatment
  • Providing a key source of advice on Federal level policy on STI control
  • International advocacy for support for the control of STI in NIS
  • Dissemination of good-practice
  • Running joint projects for the development of STI control with International agencies


Clinical work

Clinical centre of excellence was organized in 1991. The clinic uses STI management protocols based on WHO recommendation including modern diagnostic and treatment protocol. Anonymous care of patients with STI and pre-test and post-test counselling is implemented. Science 1999 a new form of partner notification has introduced. Annual report is directed to the Moscow Health Care department. Clinical centre works in close cooperation with other services (gynecological, urological, HIV/AIDS).


Information and education

From 1994 Association SANAM publishes and distributes the scientific journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, official Journal of the Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections SANAM and International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (for Russian- speaking people)

This is the first specialized journal in Russia dealing with STI, which provides information to different specialists in regions, including NIS, where foreign journals or electronic database is not available for different reasons. Reviews, articles, abstracts, materials for continuing medical education, health care organization, information on symposiums in the country and abroad are included in the journal. Each issue contains about 100 abstracts translated into Russian. WHO information of STI epidemic in the countries of the Eastern Europe and Russia are published regularly.

SANAM issues sets of slides about STI aiming on update knowledge of doctors and undergraduate and post-graduate students. There are 17 series of slides, including 12 of STI.

One of the priority of Association is primary prevention of STI. In the frame of this program SANAM issues booklets and leaflets for population. The aim of these issues is to change population behavior, especially of youth, to reduce the spread of STI, to create trust atmosphere towards medical staff working in the field of sexual health care.


Projects. International cooperation.


The project was worked out by SANAM, submitted by Open Society Institute and was funded by Soros Fund.


Public Health based approaches to STI prevention in Samara oblast and Russian Federation

The project is carrying out with participation of specialists from Samara, Londons Imperial College School Of Medicine and with the support of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation.

Association SANAM took part in creation and implementation of suggestions for improving clinical and diagnostic management of STI patients for control and prevention of STI in Samara region .


Laboratory and Integrated Behavioral Risk Assessment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Moscow, Russia

This project is carrying out with the support of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation and CDC (Atlanta). The study aims to: 1) determine the prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, Trichomonas vaginalis, herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) infections among high risk men and women in Moscow; 2) determine the prevalence of illicit drug use among these populations, and 3) measure the frequency of and the associations between risk behaviors and exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among these groups in Moscow.

The project is a collaborative effort between multiple Russian and American partners, primarily the Russian MOH, the Russian Association Sanam, CDC's Division of STD Prevention, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Moscow. The Becton Dickinson Foundation and CDCs Division of HIV, STD and TB Laboratory Research support the laboratory component of the project.


Congenital syphilis.

Joint project with Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC, USA) and the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation support.

The main goal of this research is to create the forum, which can appellate to the leading state institutions to recognize the priority of syphilis epidemic; to take necessary actions to prevention and treatment of syphilis in pregnant women and prevention of cases congenital syphilis. The project was carried out in 5 regions of Russia.


The certification program on sexually transmitted infections

The project was developed in 2000 in the frame of The Opened Society program " The Role of professional Associations in certification of the specialists. The purpose of the project: to develop the training programs on STI/HIV-infection for preparation of the medical workers rendering the primary medical care (the family physician, reproductive health care specialists) to certification and introduction in practice.


Coordination, methodological support and expert estimation of the projects which are carried out by NGO of Russian Federation with financial support OSI within the framework of the program "Health care of the population of Russia"

The goal of the project: to carry out coordination of activity of NGO, to give them the methodical, intellectual and technical help for stimulation of their steady development and adequate use of resources and maintenance the efficiency of the program in whole.




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